Monkey Bassness

Handmade basses from Belgium

The Jazz Monkey

This is my take on the standard jazzbass with some improvements for better neck balance and reduced weight.
This results in a recessed headstock and thinner, slimmer body

The Single Monkey

This model is based on a single cut body which is becoming a popular body shape. 

The Prestige Monkey

This is the state-of-the-art model of Monkeybassness. It contains a lot of the latest features found on high end basses over the world.

The Signature Monkey

This is one the first designs that helped shape the look of Monkeybassness. 

Our Partners

The companies Monkey Bassness partners with to make even better sounding basses.

About Me

Monkeybassness is a small bass (and guitar) building company led by one man: Stijn Deldaele. Monkeybassness is based in Belgium (mainland Europe)


“My goal is to make instruments that are a pleasure to play, versatile in use and good looking.

With a production level of 6 to 10 instrument builds a year I try to maintain the quality level high and it’s not my interest to build in large quantities. So, I can make some personalized touches to the instruments. The instruments don’t leave my workplace until I’m satisfied myself.”

Stijn Deldaele